Lesson - 5 Concept of Operating System


5 Write short answer of the following questions.

a.     What is an operating system?
    Ans: An operating system is a software program that enables the computer hardware to communicate and operate with the computer software.

b.    Write any two features of windows 2007.
Ans: Features of Windows 2007 are:
®  Windows 2007 is faster to boot and easier to use.
®  Windows 2007 fully supports modern digital devices.
®  Windows 2007 can be run with lower hardware requirements.

c.     Give one example each of GUI and CLI based operating system.
    Ans: Windows is Graphics User Interface operating System.
MS-DOS is Character User Interface operating System.

d.    List any two functions of operating system.
Ans: Functions of operating System are:
®  Performing basic computer tasks such as managing the various peripheral devices e.g mouse, keyboard etc.
®  Providing file management to store, retrieve, save data and file.

e.     What do you mean by booting of computer?
Ans: Booting is simply starting the computer by loading system files into computer memory.

f.     What is the difference between file and folder?

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